Du tittar på mig nu, du tittar inte som förut.

Önskar att jag var något, något mer än bara misär.
This hurricane's chasing us all underground.

I just lie to get to your apartment.

All the things i was trying to keep up.

you should be here.
kom inte för nära, du vet hur det blir.

Den här stan som gör mig så hög, Den här stan kan få mig så låg.

In the end we always become the people we swore we'd never be.

Details in the fabric

I'ts never the tears that measures the pain, sometimes it's the smile we fake.

Ja jag vet att hon är söt men håll tillbaka. För jag har trillat dit, jag har fallit, jag har vaknat. Ja, jag vet att hon är söt men håll tillbaka.

Alla är utbytbara. Även du.

There will be no miracles here.

Drinking tea in bed, watching dvds.

Stop trying so hard.

I won't let you love me until you really try.
It's sad when people you know become people you knew.

I'm just tired. I'm tired of waking up to the same routine everyday, seeing the same people, it's getting old. I'm tired of waking up alone and cold. Pushing myself to get out of bed. "I'm just tired". That's my excuse.

I'm not telling you it's going to be easy. I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.

I try to take life one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me all at once.