It’s been a while since the two of us talked, about a week since the day that you walked. Knowing things would never be the same with your empty heart and mine full of pain.


Maybe there's a bit of me waiting for a bit of you.

Kan hjärnan explodera fast hjärtat bara fortsätter att expandera?

If you don't understans my silence, how will you understand my words?
It was your world baby. I just lived in it.
Love isn't about looking at someone as perfect. Love is about about looking at someone perfectly.

Where's my magic?

And if bridges gotta fall, then you'll fall, too.

Doors slam
Lights black
You're gone
Come back
Stay gone
Stay clean
I need you to need me
And if your world should fall apart, I still got room inside my heart. Just don't include me out.

I will be okay with not being okay.

Ni är världens bästa läsare!
Ska iväg över helgen. Hörs imorgon om jag inte bloggar ikväll. KRAM
Empty heart.

Life is a beatiful struggle

Seventeen without a purpose or direction


Can we maybe stop time tonight?

För att satsa det sista på mirakel

Heheh. I am sixteen och kan inte cykla utan att trilla. Amanda var namnet och jag är invalid. Eller något sånt. Knaaas.
Your heart is on the left side of your body because it can't always be right.

When the only way left is to run away

We hold on to the memories that hust us the most